Health Benefits of Walking Daily
If you want
to get away from multiple disease and to stay fit and healthy, you need to know about the health benefits of walking daily. Walking is
exactly the simplest and cheapest way to get this. Walking is free and easy to
get more active and become healthier Talking 30 minutes of walking daily will
help you to keep doctor away including ample amount of health benefits.
Here it is 20
Health Benefits of Walking Daily.
Walking is
easy and great exercise to loss weight. American scientists designed an experiment known as “walking bus” in this concept obese patients walked
together to the specific location around the city. After 8 weeks more then 50%
of patients lost an average of 5 pounds.
Better Heart
health is one the most important think for healthy life. For sedentary individuals 20 minutes of daily walking is best
exercise to reduces risk of heart disease. According to study published in
Journal of American Geriatrics Society, Men and women 65 years of age or more who
walked 4 hours in a week has less risk of cardiovascular disease.
Walking helps
to maintain blood pressure. According
to research conducted in Wakayama Medical
College, Japan where 83 individuals with mild hypertension participated and
they walked 10,000 step per day for 12 weeks. After the 12th week
result showed significant drop in blood pressure and increased stamina. You can
also walk for 30 to 60 minutes daily to keep your blood pressure in control.
4)- Improves
Blood Circulation
walking will
truly increase your intelligence. Walking helps to provide the brain with the
desired amounts of glucose and oxygen, that helps it perform higher. It
additionally decreases the amount of LDL cholesterol, that clogs arteries, and
therefore reduces the chance of stroke. So, walking will facilitate improve
blood circulation, that helps the brain and cellular functions.
In 2016, an
estimated 1.6 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes. Walking 5000
steps daily are the recommended by scientists including 3000 steps of brisk
walk that helps to control blood sugar level and reduces the risk of type 2
It is
important to have healthy digestive system. Improper digestion leads to
different disease like, gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, colon cancer,
bloating and constipation. daily walk after meal will help to lose weight and improve
digestive system.
Walking daily
can also improves memory. According to Japanese scientists walking can improve
memory of older patients. Sedentary lifestyle shrinks the hippocampus which leads
memory loss, while active life style increase the size of hippocampus which
leads to boost and power-up the memory.
Strengthens Bones
as you become
older your bones also become weaker. But if you walk frequently you can
strengthen your bones. By just waking you can prevent loss of bone density that
reducing the risk of osteoporosis, injury and fracture. There are 206 bones in
human body that determines Our framework hence stronger and healthier bones can
improve your balance, stamina and posture. Walking can
also prevent arthritis and minimize the accompanying pain.
500 muscles in the human body. Most of these are skeletal muscles, which attach
from one bone to another bone. Just like bones as you become older you
experience muscle loss too. Regular walk can help to strengthening and toning
the muscles and prevent muscle loss.
Boosts Immune Function
The body immune
system defends our body against invaders, such as bacteria, viruses and foreign
bodies. Walking is a great way to boost your immune system, by just walking you
can improve immune cells like T-cells, B-cells and natural killer cells. It also
helps release the WBCs at a faster rate, that allowing your body to heal
Prevents Dementia
Dementia is a
general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with
daily life. Memory loss is an example. Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia.
It just makes you dependable and make you unable to perform daily functions.
Daily Walking can help you to prevent form dementia, also improve memory and
build confidence.
Walking helps
to increase lungs capacity, while walking we breath more oxygen as compared to
normal condition. This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in high volume improves
lungs capacity. Which is also increase exercise performance by improving
stamina. You can increase your lungs capacity by just doing a medium pace 40 to
60 minutes’ walk.
According to study conducted by
Harvard graduates showed that student who walked for at least 30 minutes every
day lived longer than those who were sedentary. Walking helps to stop several age-related issues. It may or may not activate the telomerase enzyme which is
responsible for maintaining DNA integrity, an important factor in aging.
Walking can
improve blood circulation that helps to reduce stress hormones and provides
oxygen and nutrients to the body. Walking also stimulate nervous system receptors
and decrease the production of stress hormones. It known as while walking breathing in and out actually out
the stress and tension.
Helps Produce Vitamin D
Vitamin D is
important for bones strength and it prevent multiple sclerosis, prevents cancer,
diabetes type 1. You can produce vitamin D by walking out side in the morning.
At least 15 to 20-minute morning walk in sun light is important to get this essential
Many of the scientific
study have proven that physical activity is
needed to prevent depression and stress. Therefore, walking is highly
recommended by psychiatrists and physicians to get rid of stress and depression
and uplift the mood. Just walk and stay away from sad mood, depression and
If you stuck
with the problem, take a walk. Walking increase blood circulation that provides
several nutrients which required the body for functioning. Walking also boost
the memory by calm down nervous and relax the brain this ultimately helps to
increase creativity. While walking you do not feel any pressure in your mind
this helps the brain to think strategically and in a more sorted way.
Increases Productivity
Walking daily
keeps you more active and more energetic that will ultimately increase your
productivity in school or in work. You feel energized throughout the day and
your energy, memory and agility help you to do you’re in a more productive way.
19)- Build Social Circle
Walking daily out side keeps you in touch with so many other people helps you to make new friends and build your social circle that encourage you to walk with them every day. you look forward to meet your friends and that create positive energy and peace.
19)- Build Social Circle
Walking daily out side keeps you in touch with so many other people helps you to make new friends and build your social circle that encourage you to walk with them every day. you look forward to meet your friends and that create positive energy and peace.
Globally Cancer
is the second leading cause of death, and it’s claimed an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018. About 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer and around 1/3 of
death of cancer is due to 5 major reasons.
- high body mass index.
- low fruit and vegetable intake.
- lack of physical activity.
- tobacco use.
- alcohol use.
Scientists have found Walking
daily will help to loss weight and reduce the risk of cancer. It has been found
that walking will be helpful for those who is undergoing cancer treatment by
reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and It can
also lower the risk of breast cancer.
Tips to
Stay Motivated for Walking
- If you are thinking about walking or you just star it, do not go for long distance so immediately start with 10 to 15 minutes of walking and increase your time and distance gradually till 30 to 45 minutes.
- Tell your friend to join you in morning walk.
- You can also join walking groups.
- Walk you dog.
- Go your office by walking, if possible.
- Don’t use vehicle for you nearby places, do walk to reach there.
- Think about the money you are saving form walking.
- Make your weekly or monthly walk planner.
- Go for different path every day.
- Go for hiking trips.
- Also gradually increase your pace of walking while you feel comfortable enough. Try to walk 10,000 steps a day and be sure to be hydrated through drinking water.
What Do We
Need to Start Walking?
- Pair of walking shoes.
- Cloths in which you feel comfortable.
- A bottle for water.
- Wear your office dress if you walk for office and a comfortable shoe.
- Waterproof jacket if necessary.
- A treadmill if you prefer inside walk.
- Motivation – absolutely necessary we have talked about it in previous section.
for the reading, now you all know about health benefits of walking daily, what to need to
go for walk and how to stay motivated. Go and start walking and get all the benefits.
not forget to write your feedback in comment section below.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© copyright 2019 – All rights reserved AK Health Corner
Health Benefits of Walking Daily
Reviewed by ABDUL KARIM
May 24, 2019

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