Does Ultra Processed Food Leads to Weight Gain?

Does Ultra Processed Food Leads to Weight Gain?

Does Ultra Processed Food Leads to Weight Gain?

According to new study, filling ultra-processed food in a plate lead people to eat more and gain weight. 

ultra-processed food gone through various manufacturing steps to be produced including industrial food manufacturing, such as flavoring agents, hydrogenated oils, emulsifiers and high fructose corn syrup.

For example, an unprocessed breakfast contains skim milk, bananas, oatmeal and walnuts, while ultra-processed breakfast contains turkey bacon, cheese with cream and bagel.

According to study published on May-16 in the journal Cell Metabolism, where 20 healthy people has been selected who spend about a month in a laboratory at the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Participant are randomly selected for either minimally processed foods or ultra-processed for two weeks. After two weeks they switched to another opposite diet for another two weeks. participants could eat as much as they wanted and meal for both groups had the same number of calories, sugars, fat, carbohydrate and fiber.

The result of the research found that the participants on unprocessed diet eat 500 more calories per day, and the participant on ultra-processed diet gained about 2 pounds (0.9 kilograms) while unprocessed diet participant lost about 2 pounds.

Large number group of people that involved in previous studies have linked diets high in ultra-processed foods with health problems, and even a higher risk of early death. in these studies, participants are observed over time rather than assigning them specific diets, so could not prove that ultra-processed foods actually cause people to eat more or gain weight.

The study lead author Kevin Hall, a senior investigator at NIH’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, said "For example, people who eat ultra-processed foods might develop health problems for other reasons, such as a lack of access to fresh foods. Although new study was small but have showed a clear and consistent difference between the two diets".

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Does Ultra Processed Food Leads to Weight Gain? Does Ultra Processed Food Leads to Weight Gain? Reviewed by ABDUL KARIM on May 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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